Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Argument Template's

Argument templates are rather condescending.  Being forced to write in a particular format can cramp a writer's creative writing style and make for a less effective paper.  However, for assignment four i believe the argument template helped improve my personal skills as a writer.  Being forced to write in a particular way i had to really think how i wanted to structure my essay.  The template was great to help write the introduction because it is basically a full-proof formula for an effective argument.  My original draft however, was ineffective because i used the template throughout the piece.  i now know it should be more for an intro and for the structure of the paper.  For me the hardest part of assignment four has been the word count, not incorporating the argument template.  2,000 words is a ton to write about my feelings on one article.  I think 1,500 would have been better.  My last and parting thought is that i can't believe we only have three classes left until were done, this first semester flew by.  

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