Sunday, December 4, 2011


The general argument made by author Dale Stephens in his work, “The Case Against College,” is that college is no longer necessary to be successful.  More specifically, Stephens argues that we should begin shifting toward an uncollege movement.  He writes, “If we still needed public education to fulfill its original purpose — to train factory workers in the industrial revolution — then school would work brilliantly. But times have changed,” in this passage Stephens is suggesting that public schooling is no longer an essential for success.  In my view, Stephens is right that college may not be as necessary as it used to because we have had over a century of public education.  More specifically I believe an uncollege movement could be a step in the right direction, although I object that everyone should partake in the movement. 
One of Stephens main points in his argument for the uncollege movement is that college kills creativity, however this creativity has already been killed in the twelve years of previous schooling leading up to college.  He based he hypothesis off of a study done on kindergarteners scores on the divergent thinking test, which measure one’s propensity for creativity.  Of the kindergartners tested 98% tested at the genius level.   Later, after five years of formal education the same student’s were re-tested and the results were staggering, only 50% of the children tested at the genius level. A stifling number considering the IBM poll taken in May of 2010, of which a survey of corporate executive officers deemed creativity the “the number one leadership competency of the successful enterprise of the future.”  This would lead to a conclusion that the schooling that leads up to college needs to be changed because the school system does kill creativity.  Many schools have begun changing their curriculum to charter schools where they are not bound by as many rules as public schools.  This gives the teachers and students more opportunities to incorporate more activities that invoke creativity.  The United States government should try and re-work the education system to be more like these charter schools.  They could also partially tweek these schools so more studying and learning can be done outside the confines of a classroom.  Students are most likely losing their creativity by the daily routine of school.  Students have been lectured by teachers all their lives and it causes many students to lose interest and as a result their creativity.  How creative could someone be that just does the minimal work to get by?  Which of course is what many students in middle and high school do, and so by the end of high school they have killed all their creativity.  A possible solution could be to split up the students’ day.  It would consist of half the day being the typical structured class, where the students would learn mathematics, history, english, and science.  The second half of the day would consist of applying the knowledge the students learned earlier in the day, in a non-formal learning environment.  The students could participate in experiments and explore learning without crushing their creativity.  Also instead of the usual homework, students would watch videos from the khan academy to prepare for the next days lesson.  This way teachers would spend less time teaching the students the material, and more time applying the material in a creative way.  I believe with a greater emphasis on outside learning and activities that incorporate creativity, more students would fall into the genius range on the divergent thinking test.  
The second point made by Stephens is that students come out of college with more debt then they can handle, yet this debt is in investment for these student’s future.  Stephens says, “There are a little over 19 million college students in the United States, each of whom are graduating with an average of $24,000 in debt, according to the nonprofit Institute for College Access & Success.”  He believes this debt causes many college graduates to just settle for a job, instead of finding a job they have a passion for.  As part of his uncollege movement, Stephens believes potential students can create their own education by following mentors, attending college classes only as needed, and starting up businesses.  This would give many unschoolers the opportunity to gain real experience instead of learning from the strictures of the classroom.  The problem with this theory is that many of these unschoolers are not going to be qualified to get jobs.  Today many of the high paying executive jobs require at least a four year degree, and often require a master’s or even a doctorate.  With no formal college education, these unschooler’s would not even have a chance of getting one of these jobs.  Also according to the 2010 Employment Projections done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics under the United States Department of Labor higher education pays.  Those with doctorate degrees and Professional degrees make on average nearly $1,000 more a week than those with only a high school degree or less.  In correspondence with income the results of higher education have an effect on the unemployment.  Almost 35% of the unemployed have little or no college education.  This led me to the conclusion that college is an investment, although I believe it is a rather costly one that most likely turns away many potential students. 
One possible solution is to reduce the general education classes.  Over a students time at college they build up immense amounts of debt from basically unnecessary classes.  I am an intended business major and cannot enroll in the official school of management until I have taken the prerequisite courses.  These are classes like economics and mathematics, which are essential in the business world.  However, as part of the Universities requirement to graduate I have to take two semesters of classes such as, english and world civilizations, plus other classes such as psychology and sociology.  These general classes are going to force me to attend school for two years before I can even apply for the business program.  Not to mention these classes do not accumulate toward the necessary average to be accepted into the program, virtually making them useless.  If the university dropped these unnecessary required classes I could finish all of the prerequisites at the end of my freshman year.  This would reduce my stay at the University at Buffalo from eight semesters to about five and also save me thousands of dollars.  I believe combining this reconstruction with the reforms of the education system leading up to college could truly benefit students.  Students would be able to attend college with their creativity in tact, they would be able to graduate and get into the work force sooner, as well as come out of college with less debt.  I believe this would lead to a snowball effect.  With students being more creative and having less debt they could apply for the jobs that truly interest them and that they would actually care about.  More innovations in technology would be made, which could help the United States economy to get back on its feet.
Another statistic that Stephen’s used to come to his conclusion is that homeschoolers do better on standardized reading than those in formal education.  The National Home Research Institute found that homeschoolers scored in the 87th percentile, while the students who received a formal education only scored in the 50th percentile.  A seemingly thorough study that addressed all the factors that would affect these student’s scores, the parent’s education level, the amount of money spent on education, and minority status. This would support Stephens’s theory that school kills creative thinking and does not address the skills and knowledge that needs to be taught today.  This coincides with his theory that the school system was designed during a much different time and has now become obsolete.  The school system was created during the industrial revolution in an effort to help many poverty stricken families escape the cycle of these horrifying sweatshops.  Children as young as four or five years old would work twelve hour days and be paid substantially less than other employees, while facing dangerous conditions that could result in injury, disease, or sometimes even death.  The school system was supposed to educate the children of these working class families so they could one day get a job outside of the factory. They could create a better life for themselves and then hopefully their family would not have to endure the same hardships they had to.  However, I believe this forced education is hurting peoples creative thinking.  Its nearly impossible to keep one’s creative thinking intact after twelve years of the same boring drag that happens day in and day out for millions of students in school.  This is why the school system needs to be altered, but I do not believe homeschooling is the answer.  Even though these statistics given by The National Home Research take into account the three major influences, one very important one is left out.  The research did not take into account families income level.  Wealthier families of homeschoolers would be able to provide higher education than can be learned in school.  If the research had been done again and this factor was taken into account the scores would be much more similar.  Families that homeschool they’re children who are in the lower income levels are not be giving they’re child as good of an education as they would have receive had they attended a formal school.  However, the research done by the institute does bring up a new element that I am going to integrate into my plan for reconfiguring the education system.  It seems students achieve better in smaller classroom settings.  There they can receive the personal attention that they need.  I believe the system could use student teachers in grad school who are intending to get a job in the education field.  In supplement to being a student teacher these students could be a student tutor.  During the students first half of the day when the students are learning in the formal environment an hour should be allocated for small group learning exercises.  The class should break up into groups of five or six and learn from the student tutor.  The students would be able to learn the material faster because of the personal attention and keep more of their creativity by not being stuck in the formal environment too long.
Dale Stephen’s uncollege movement is something of a new trend but it is gathering support quickly.  Stephens believes college is a poor investment and kills our creative thinking.  I agree that our current education system does not address the problems that we face today and is quickly becoming more obsolete.  I do not believe dropping out of college is the answer though, but instead reconfiguring the current system that leads up to college.  Schools should try and incorporate more creative thinking exercises into their plan to help keep students engaged in class.  Splitting the day up would ease the tensions of the daily grind that students are currently in.  With additional support outside the classroom students would learn faster and not kill their creative thinking.  I also believe college needs to be slightly reconstructed so students are not forced to take the unnecessary and costly general education courses.  Students would still be successful in their careers and would be able to save thousands of dollars and graduate faster.  I believe that the uncollege movement is not the answer, but there are changes in education that need to be made to better educate today’s youth and provoke more creative thinking.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Argument Template's

Argument templates are rather condescending.  Being forced to write in a particular format can cramp a writer's creative writing style and make for a less effective paper.  However, for assignment four i believe the argument template helped improve my personal skills as a writer.  Being forced to write in a particular way i had to really think how i wanted to structure my essay.  The template was great to help write the introduction because it is basically a full-proof formula for an effective argument.  My original draft however, was ineffective because i used the template throughout the piece.  i now know it should be more for an intro and for the structure of the paper.  For me the hardest part of assignment four has been the word count, not incorporating the argument template.  2,000 words is a ton to write about my feelings on one article.  I think 1,500 would have been better.  My last and parting thought is that i can't believe we only have three classes left until were done, this first semester flew by.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Case Against Stephens

            The general argument made by Dale Stephen’s in his work, “The Case Against College,” is that college is no longer necessary to succeed in the world.  More specifically Stephens argues that college kills creativity, puts family’s into debt, and that the knowledge learned in school doesn’t have anything to do with what one does after school.  He writes, “the problem is schools kill creativity.”  He is suggesting an un-college movement that would lead students into following a passion after school instead of attending a college.  He believes the conformity of a college kills our creativity and stunts thought.  One of the basis for his claim is the divergent thinking test’s taken by a group of kindergarteners of which 98% scored in the genius range.  However, after five years of formal education only 50% of the same students were in the genius range.  This would lead to the conclusion that school does kill creativity.  He believes that freeing yourself from the strictures of the classroom and authority you can escape the system that squanders creative thought and ideas.   Although, by the time students attend a college or university they have already had a formal twelve-year schooling and have had their creativity killed.  I believe a movement could be led to restructure the schooling before college that can help students truly come to terms with their creativity.  Some schools have begun teaching with new ways and innovations to try and spur creativity in its students such as, the school without walls.  They try to teach their students from non-traditional teaching methods.  They take more field trips and do more learning and experimenting outside of the classroom.  I think that is a leap in the right direction.  After students graduate their creative school I believe college would be a great opportunity because it gives them an opportunity to compare their creative skill with other students who had similar schooling.  Today CEO’s have determined creativity to be “the number one leadership competency of the successful enterprise of the future.”  We need to be putting more time and thought into reconstructing the school system so it does not kill our creativity.
            The second point Stephens makes is that school puts families into an incredible amount of debt.  More specifically, he argues that students should drop out of school so they can stay out of debt.  He writes, “it’s not about dropping out of school — it’s about making a sound investment in your future.”  The average student comes out a school with about $24,000 in debt and is forced to find job to pay off the debt, instead of following a passion they are truly interested in and have a hunger for.  I agree that the debt students come out of college with is ridiculous but I don’t think dropping out of college is the answer.  Today many jobs require at least a four year degree and some even want additional schooling to complete a masters or doctorate.  This leads me to believe if everyone dropped out of college, who would be the doctors and scientists that save thousands of lives?  Not to mention college is the first time for many teenagers to live away from home and take on more responsibilities.  It is a time to experiment and explore the world and decide for yourself your opinions of this world.  The college life gives many teens a chance to discover who they truly are and to become an adult, while still having the benefits of being a kid.    
            The third point Stephens argues is that the knowledge learned in school doesn’t apply to what most people do after.  He argues that too much emphasis being put on the STEM subjects, science, technology engineering, and mathematics.  He writes, “I’m not convinced that what one studies in school has anything to do with what one does after school.”  In this passage Stephens is suggesting that many jobs and careers people pursue aren’t necessarily what they studied in school.  More specifically Stephens believes we need to put less emphasis on the STEM subjects and more on the need for people to pursue knowledge for more practical applications.  He uses the example of how even though Facebook and Microsoft were created in Universities they were created outside the classroom.  I also believe that more emphasis should be put on learning outside the classroom.  Students would be able to see first hand how math and science work together without having hundreds of formulas pounded into their heads.  I believe this is where the creativity is truly destroyed.  After sitting in a classroom for an entire day having different formulas and equations drilled into our heads, its pretty hard to go home and come up with new creative ideas.  I believe an alternative could be to cut the school day in half.  Having the first part of the day learning these formulas and equations and having the second have to put the formulas to work and coming up with new creative ideas. 
            Dale Stephens brings up many great points to be considered, however I believe some of his ideas are unrealistic.  I think there needs to be a change made to the school system but I do not think dropping out of college is the best plan.  If students could be freed from the constraints of the classroom I believe they could truly find their ultimate potential.  The world is the best place to experiment, not a classroom.  Teachers long lectures fry the brains of their students and eventually causes them to lose focus, and killing their creativity.  I believe the schools need to combine learning and creativity into one.  I think a half school based day and a half day based on experimenting with students creativity  could help students find their true passion and the world would see newer and better Facebook’s and Microsoft’s in much less time.                 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ideas for Assignment Four

    For assignment four i am thinking of writing about the case against college.  i believe Stephens makes some good claims that i could agree and disagree with.  This essay i believe is going to be the most difficult thus far this year and i am a little apprehensive about my topic.  Another topic i am considering is possibly Emerson who is a rather difficult writer so it may be hard to know what he is truly trying to say.  However, he also makes some pretty controversial claims in his piece The American Scholar as well.  A little thinking  is going to be required to complete this assignment.

Argument Template

The general argument made by Dale Stephens in his work, The case against college, is that college is unnecessary nowadays.  More specifically he argues that college kills creative thinking as puts students into thousands of dollars into debt.  He writes, "school kills creativity."  He is suggesting an alternative schooling to college or just not going to college at all and that we should follow a business idea or whatever we want.  In conclusion Stephen's belief is students should not attend college after high school.
     In my view Stephens is correct that school does kill creativity and is very expensive although many jobs require a degree to work.  Also i believe the creativity has already been killed by the time we reach college.  More specifically i believe its the twelve years or structured schooling before college that really kills creativity.  I believe an alternative schooling that leads up to college would better keep creativity in tact.  Therefore i conclude that schooling does kill creating but it isn't college that kills it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Genre Ideas

for my genre idea i am considering a fairytale.  It would be a mock of the khan academy but support its use.  i am thinking of writing story of a kid who is struggling in school and one day in the field behind his house a huge hand comes out of the sky (khans hand) and it has a giant pencil.  It writes on the ground and teaches the boy his school work.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Essentialism and Experience

This blog is in response to the reading on essentialism and experience.  The author is describing how certain traditional concepts, ideals and skills are necessary to society and should be taught to everyone.  This article also places a high degree of importance on connecting experiences of different students together, as well as connecting these experiences to the material being taught.  The author says how students are more likely to participate when they have a specific experience related to the material.  The article as describes the struggles black women have to go through in school and that white males are ignorant which i don't fully agree.  this article was a fairly difficult read and i got the feeling that it was almost a close reading similar to the ones we had to do in class.  Overall it was a pretty interesting article.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My response to close reading essay

After handing in our second draft i feel i have a better understanding of close reading.  it is still challenging for me however, and will require more practice before i am good at it.  Overall i don't particularly like close reading.  it requires a thought process that i have trouble tapping into.  i think more on a straight and narrow path so i can succeed in math and business classes but in english it is tough for me to really analyze what an author is trying to convey.  We'll see how my second revision turns out and what needs improvement to help finalize my essay.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to do a Close Reading

The purpose of a close reading is to get a better understanding of the text.  When you close read you observe facts and details about the text.  With close reading we are able to dive deeper into the text and truly understand what the writer was trying to accomplish.  I personally struggle with close reading and i am not a fan of it.  I believe sometimes close reading causes us to over analyze the true meaning of the text.  I think some writers are trying to be straight forward and sometimes we try to make something that isn't there.  In a particular south park episode the boys write a disgusting and gruesome story just for the fun of it.  Then their parents find it and the story is published into a novel.  The story was poorly written and extremely straight forward, however all the critics believe the novel is one of the greatest works in American history.  They over analyze the novel to the most extreme extent and draw connections from it that aren't there.  Keeping this in mind i do believe close reading helps when reading difficult texts like those of Ralph Waldo Emerson who i personally believe was just off his rocker and babbles to much.  Close readings can help but overall i believe they aren't effective.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Day in the Life growing up in 1943

A typical day for me as an 18 year old found adult in 1943 is interesting.  The war is growing and US involvement is increasing.  Also the depression rages on but the war offers new hope for the future.  Today i woke up in my house in buffalo and looked out to see it was raining.  This is a bad day for me because i am going to get soaked as i walk to school.  I arrive at my one room school house near south campus and sit down to see my classmates ranging from age 14-20.  I look to my right hoping to see my good friend but he isn't there.  I remember he was drafted and forgot the prior day was his last.  I get a sore feeling in the pit of my stomach at the thought of him fighting in the war.  I fear everyday that i will go home and my own letter will be sitting at the counter.  I try to pay attention in class but the thought of my friend is too distracting.  I leave for home at lunch to try and get my mind off of the fact that my friend.  As i walk home i come across our neighborhood mailman but, for some reason his face is real long and sad when he see's me.  i fear that he has news of my other drafted friends being hurt or even killed in the war but this was not the case, it was my even bigger fear.  He looks at me dead in the eyes and hands me my draft notice.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

21st Century Emerson

This blog is in response to Ralph Waldo Emersons "The American Scholar" and how he would react to it in the 21st century.  I believe he would stay behind his belief in the importance of books and nature.  These are pretty fundamental beliefs that no matter what era I believe Emerson would stand behind them.  However, with that being said i think he would put and great influence on technology these days because that is what our whole world seems to be based around.  In todays world we need to be tech-savy and  a good reader and i believe Emerson would agree with that.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This blog is in response to Ralph Waldo Emersons "The American Scholar," and a particular passage that was difficult but had a strong influence on me.  The sixth paragraph describes a man who works hard and rarely is appreciated for it.  He is the planter who gathers the food for the rest of the society.  No one appreciates him because he is just a planter however, he is the most important part of their society.  Without him no one would eat and they would all starve, they don't remember this however and the planter is rarely rewarded in the way he should be.  The passage describes how he sees his bushel and his cart and nothing beyond.  A very boring a lonely life for someone who contributes so much to the group.  This passage affected me so much because i think situations such as this are all to common in todays world.  No one ever remembers the little guy pulling his own and holding society together.  Even I am a culprit of this.  My Mom did so much for my brother and I and we never truly appreciated her the way we should have.  In response to the syllabus it looks very tough but should be a good year and i hope to really improve my writing skills.