Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This blog is in response to Ralph Waldo Emersons "The American Scholar," and a particular passage that was difficult but had a strong influence on me.  The sixth paragraph describes a man who works hard and rarely is appreciated for it.  He is the planter who gathers the food for the rest of the society.  No one appreciates him because he is just a planter however, he is the most important part of their society.  Without him no one would eat and they would all starve, they don't remember this however and the planter is rarely rewarded in the way he should be.  The passage describes how he sees his bushel and his cart and nothing beyond.  A very boring a lonely life for someone who contributes so much to the group.  This passage affected me so much because i think situations such as this are all to common in todays world.  No one ever remembers the little guy pulling his own and holding society together.  Even I am a culprit of this.  My Mom did so much for my brother and I and we never truly appreciated her the way we should have.  In response to the syllabus it looks very tough but should be a good year and i hope to really improve my writing skills.